A digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that is smaller than a phonograph record; played back by a laser.
Examples for "compact disc"
Examples for "compact disc"
1The cabinet contained books, a TV, and an extensive compact disc collection.
2Benelux Manufacturing, which made compact disc covers, opened in Limavady 12 months ago.
3Want to know why the compact disc is far from dead?
4Music was provided by means of a portable compact disc machine with headphones.
5Prominent users also receive a free Philips CD-i ( compact disc interactive) player.
1Genetic testing therefore may identify children with CD who are at risk.
2Tucker You have a CD called 'Stydie's Rockin' Out Music.' Stop speaking.
3The following example commands all mount a CD on the various systems:
4Mono versus stereo; CD quality, cassette tape quality, or cell phone quality
5He expects CD rates to decline as a result of the measure.
1This is the music that always sounds crisper on a compact disk.
2I retrieved the envelope and slid a compact disk onto my palm.
3The same tape or memory card or compact disk getting used, over and over.
4I save all these files to one thin compact disk.
5Many musical compositions never make it to paper, forever sentenced to tape or compact disk.
6Cast your mind back, if you will, to the birth of the CD, then still called the compact disk.
7Pirated software costs between $1.5 per compact disk in Macedonia and $3 in Moscow's immense open-air Gorbushka market.
8That is why digital compact disks replaced analog LPs, for example.
9Take his compact disks-theyMIGHT be CD-ROMdisks, cunningly disguised as pop music.
10From my bag I removed the bundle of documents and the compact disks.
11And they were looking at ways of trying to put copy protection onto compact disks.
12Here is an example: The San Francisco-based Compact Disk Exchange (Tel.
13However, from vinyl to compact disks, the model of buying an object that became property was continuous.
14The joint venture will make chemicals used in products ranging from plastic bottles and compact disks to computers and agricultural compounds.
15Their computers went out the door, along with the usual blizzard of papers, notebooks, compact disks, answering machines, Sony Walkmans, etc.
16The complete lyrics of Williams are about to be issued by St. Martin's, & Polygram is reissuing his complete recordings, on compact disks.
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Translations for compact disk